Monday, September 04, 2006


As much as I don’t feel as inspired to blog today, I feel that I should take a moment from my whirlwind day to just check in on some major highlights from this past day…

First, I am exhausted! Suffice it to say that I’ve been going non-stop since 12 noon today… I barely had time to eat a late lunch before running to work the evening clinic with my Staff.

On my way to work, I listened to my voice messages… I heard that one of my friends Jimmy Hollywood had passed away sometime in the last week… He just died all of a sudden… Whoa… That really set the tone for me for the rest of the day… To realize how pulchritudinous life is… I called a few other people to tell them I love them and that I was thinking of them… I really was impacted by Jimmy… Makes me think that you never know who’s gonna pass away when! This was sooo sudden… I was sooo unprepared for this… I believe a lot of other people were unprepared for it…

I then received a message from my sis sharing that the baby sis was taking her drivers test and suggested that I call to offer her words of support and encouragement… I did exactly that. I called her and left her a message to let her know I love her, support her and sooo very proud of her… She called back in the afternoon to inform me that she had passed her driving test and as of today, deemed a Class C driver in the State of California… Yikes!!! One more worry for me that my baby sis may get into a fender bender at some point in her lifetime… I hope never!!!

I spent the rest of the afternoon really really busy at work… As a matter of fact, I worked til 10P… The reason why I stayed late with a co-worker was because we had to deliver a positive HIV result to a client… It’s always a bummer to do that…

After work, I called up my friend to let him know that I was thinking of him… I was doing that with a few people I don’t typically call just because I don’t know if tomorrow will come for any one of us… I spent the evening at a burrito stand fellowshipping with my bunch of loving support group. It was nice…

So, highlights for today…
- Found out a friend, Jimmy Hollywood, had passed away very suddenly (realized how precious, fragile and fleeting life is and can be).
- My baby sister is now a licensed driver in the State of California!
- Went to work and delivered life changing news to a client that he tested positive for HIV.
- Got to fellowship with some friends that I feel good hanging out with…

So the on-going lesson for today and from experiences in the past days and weeks and months is that life doesn’t miss a beat… The beat goes on… It’s me that would sometime blink, sneeze, or create some distraction from life happening causing for me to miss out on life...

I will complete today’s thoughts with an acronym I heard:

ALCOHOLICS = A Life Centered On Helping Others Lives In Complete Serenity

I really love that! I hope to have an opportunity to write about my friend from Arizona visiting, my getting to spend this past Friday with my family at Disneyland, my receiving a refrigerator from some very generous friends, my receiving a coffeemaker from a friend, my just being sooo abundantly blessed in life and life really taking place despite my attempts to sabotage it… sabotage me… I have been going through looking at my fear of intimacy with people and not being able (willing) to sustain long-term intimate relationships with people. A speaker shared about marriage and long term affairs and relationships… I don’t have that… There is some deep seeded underlying fear going on there…

Life goes on… The beat goes on… I am sooo very very very loved… More to come in the future… For now, I need to get to bed.. Just want to let y’all know I am doing ok… There is plenty to complain about, there is plenty to feel about, there is plenty of challenges… There are also many reasons to celebrate, be grateful for and just smile on the inside about… I hope to take a moment to pause in life to just reflect and process all that has been going on in my life… I will certainly follow up with pictures, pictures pictures… I have sooo many!

With love,



At 12:47 AM, September 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, Quoc. Remember HALT and that you are worth it.

I love you!



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