Wednesday, June 22, 2005


This is one response to the many kind words that are coming in support of our family's challenging time:

Dear ****;

Thank you for your kind words... We found out on Monday morning that there is nothing more we may do for her. The chemotherapy did not change her condition; as a matter of fact her condition has gotten worse. They are giving her a few weeks. We have to make the decision of doing everything we can to make Mom as comfortable as possible.

The grieving process is very interesting to say the least. I've never gone through something like this. I go through emotional extremes; one moment I am ok and the next moment I am at my desk sobbing uncontrollably. I realize that I have the opportunity to be there for Mom as much as I can. This is the time when I wish I had all the money in the world so I may be there for her around the clock. The nursing care at the hospital is abysmal at best!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Right now, all I pray for is that my mother finds serenity and freedom from pain until she passes onto the next plane of existence.

Hope all continues going well with you. Thank you for your continued love, support and encouragement. I will need it more than ever in the weeks to come.

Warm regards,



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