Monday, October 25, 2004


Wow... It's been over 2 weeks or longer since I have posted a weblog.. What has been going on with me in the past month? A lot!!! I nearly relapsed... I got robbed... I went through the challenges of people pleasing and learning to be friends with someone that I was extremely physically attracted to. Lastly, I have been dealing with owning my part in encounters with one other person regarding NOT loaning money to people. At least not giving money to people when I don't have it to give.

So, what should I tackle first? What is going on right now? The time is 8:20 PM. I am currently at work!!! Yes, almost 12 hours later and I am still at work... Overtime!!! :-) What am I missing though? My recovery meeting. What else am I going to miss? My therapy appointment... What else? Dinner with my friend "D." Darn! I am kinda bummed about that, but oh my gosh.. talk about financial blessings that I need!!! I move into gratitude for this! So, where am I working? I am currently the front desk person for the Men's Wellness Center. Yes, a Men's Wellness Center for guys to get tested for Hepatitis, Sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and learn more about their overall health. Also, the MWC is offering vaccination for Hep A & B. This is a very exciting service! The services are available in the evening... There is more... ALL THESE SERVICES ARE "FREE!!!!" I am sooo very proud to be an integral part of this huge project!

Ok, what next? Oh yeah I was on the road to relapse last week and because I practiced step 3 and said a prayer and "simply"<--operative turned my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power, I was saved from relapse! My Higher Power knows me well... I am an extreme addict; therefore, there needs to be extreme measures taken to handle me. What was the price? $130.00. I got robbed!!! Oh my gosh! I am bummed that I don't have time to blog about it. I will when I have some downtime and a computer at my home so I may blog at my leisure.

I just wanted to check in while I have an opportunity. We saw our second patient in 2 weeks... Hopefully things will ramp up with time...


At 3:42 PM, November 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please keep us updated on your life! We really do keep up. $130 is not a lot to lose if you learned a good lesson from it and can recover like you have so far from using. So...what happened?

At 7:40 PM, November 17, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is Quoc... I will share that story of how I got robbed that money sometime in the future... Yeah, you are right, $130 is totally a great price to pay to keep my sobriety!


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