Wednesday, October 06, 2004


My webmaster (that sounds almost kinky) sent me a message on my phone commenting that I haven't blogged in awhile and sent me good vibes as to whether I am doing well or not. I am. I will be speaking at the Van Ness Recovery House this Thursday to share my strength hope and experience with others. It is suggested that being of service is yet another way that will help keep me clean and sober. This is special because this house is the place where my journey in recovery started. That is back in May 19, 2003!!! That's over 1 year and 4 months ago. So, yes it works if I work it and it's been working cuz I have been working the program to the best of my ability. Things to be thankful for!!!

I finally picked up my pen last night for the first time since I left my sober living about a month ago to continue on with my fourth step! Boy was I like a flea on a frying pan! I had such a hard time focusing! It is not that hard just writing about my resentments and remembering the wreckage of my past with each piece that I added into my fourth step. There definitely is some deep seeded "DIS-EASE" in going through the process. I am proud to say that I did about 30-40 minutes worth of quality writing. That is progress! It surely is not perfection! Thank G.O.D. that this program does not call for perfection in working the steps! All of us would be out of luck!

What else... I finally got a bed with the financial help of my Mom. She paid for the bed ahead of time. It's a bit stiff. I am thinking of getting a mattress cover from ikea that will make the bed a bit more comfy. I am totally thankful for a bed! Having been on that aerobed really was not doing my back any good. I don't have to go through the ritual of blowing up the bed every evening.

My room is starting to look like a room with personality... It's becoming my home. I am also learning that I am responsible for taking care of myself and doing what needs to be done in self caring and self loving...

My boss just walked in so alas, I will have to finish blogging on another day... So much has gone on... It's a darn shame I have been unable to blog on-line. I continue to do so with pen and paper.

Here is a correspondence I composed this morning... Folks, let me know if this is unreasonable!

Dear "B" (my roomie),

Please inform the Landlord that if the bathtub faucet and the plug for the face washing sink is not repaired by October 31, 2004 that I will be submitting a one month notice to vacate the premise on November 1, 2004.
I believe that when I pay for the full portion of my rent due, that I receive the full benefits that I am paying for. I am not arguing anything. I just believe in getting what I pay for; if the landlord of the property does not believe in providing the best possible care for the rent that is being paid, then there is just a conflict of beliefs. Should this be the case, then I need to do what is necessary to best care for my needs.
If you need me to communicate with the Landlord personally, I will be more than happy to. Again, inform the landlord that I have requested for the bathtub faucet and the face washing sink plug to be repaired by October 31, 2004. Failure to satisfy this request will result in a written correspondence to vacate the premise by no later than November 31, 2004.
Thank you for forwarding this information to the landlord.


Quoc Lam


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