Monday, September 20, 2004


Well, both the website as well as the e-mail for is down and out for the count... I only hope not for good... It's Monday, morning... I have been having problems with my e-mail in the past week and now can't even post this blog... So, how funny does time work... You are currently feeling the effects of post delayed blog-posting!!! The journal log you are reading was not posted at the time of when it was drafted... Do you feel that??? Ahhh... Mother Nature working its miracles... Or is it Father Time at his best?

Anyway, I have been doing some very productive journaling at home via pen and paper... Remember, I have no internet access outside of my work for now... So that leads me to have to write quick blurbs every now and then while I am at work...

Eitherway, I am a bit irked today because I have once again entrusted my information with "cutting edge" technology. First my cell phone and the numbers I almost lost because I dropped the phone in the toilet... Then, this time and all my e-mail addresses in the index of my quoclam webmail account!!! This totally compels me to act and have hard copies of anything I have out there in the virtual and electronic world!!!

Ok, enough with the mundane things of my life... There are attractions I have for men, thoughts of romancing my addiction to crystal meth., dealings with "normies" and them always having an answer to things and knowing what is best for me, and fantasies of gaining all kinds of material goods. I will leave that for another time... Folks, pray that I will have a cpu and internet access so I may blog in the near future to come.

Best regards,