Saturday, August 21, 2004


So, I took Friday, August 20, 2004 off after a very heavy session in Human Resources with work. Ack! The darn lady tried to get me to incriminate and include the drama that happens around the department outside of what is going on with me. All I am in there for is to protect myself and maintain my integrity the TRUTH of what really happened! Also, I wanted to get an update on what action was being taken.

I don't feel comfortable being in an environment with the perpetrator without the Director of the Program present. She'd do something about it! I can't wait for all this to pass! Sheesh!

So, what did I do on this day off? I kinda slept in... Showered... Went to my Dr.'s appointment to change up my HIV regiment. The current one has side effects that have indeed affected the quality of my living and they have gone on long enough without any mercy! It's time to change it up. I start my new regiment on Monday when the pharmacy mails it to me. Sigh! I pray that the regiment will not mess with my body and that it will prove to be just as effective if not more effective and long lasting than the current regiment that I am no longer taking! So, from today to Monday, I do not have ANY meds to take!!! This is strange!!! I actually became pretty accustomed to taking meds twice daily! The regiment will be easier on me. Once daily...

I had the opportunity to visit with a potential roomate. It probably won't work out... I am doing the footwork and screening people and also checking out different places and WILLING to travel via public transportation to get to these places in order to improve the quality of my life as I stay clean and sober one day at a time.

The post visit with the roomie situation led me to wait for the bus for a long time... I conveniently found the 220 on Robertson in West Los Angeles and ended up at the West Hollywood Recovery Center. I went in and enjoyed the last 15 minutes of an old timers meeting! Cool! Better yet, I got a ride to the AT Center for another meeting from 8:30 PM til 10 PM. I had a movie viewing plan of watching the opening night of Excorcist, the Beginning or Alien vs. Predator. I also had planned to meet with yet another possibly roomie. When I had a choice, I opted for the sobriety!!!

Yayee... I applaud myself. I feel good about myself. I am eating healthier. I felt great today! I am still beaming from the meeting from last night! Thank you Life! Thank you Higher Power.

May I continue to stay WILLING, HONEST and honor myself and that which is in my greatest good.

Thank you all for such a wonderful Birthday thusfar!!! Just living one day at a time, clean and sober gives me an opportunity to share my experiences and learn from others as I continue trudging the road towards happy destiny.

Again, I give thanks...


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