Monday, June 07, 2004


That is what my sponsor's direction to me was for today! Read into action and get into action! Time is about a quarter til midnight... I just got done fellowshiping with my friend and sober trudging buddy "D." Yayee!!! I was able to just spend a simple time just chatting with someone and not spend a lot of money while I am at it... Also, the exchange was as platonic as can be and really really enjoyable... I got to get out of the house and get things resolve... Share how I am feeling as well as listen to the opposing party share his challenges and highlights for the day.

Things to be thankful for! Anyway, what all happened today? I got the headache of feeling icky because I am more than $40 in the hole with my checking account and with a verbal commitment I made to someone who just left my first recovery house this past Friday and trying to get situated. Phew... I basically bit off more than I was able to chew with regards to what I was able to do in being of service to the other individual! I said ok to paying the opposing parties rent until he had the means of doing it on his own... Why am I promisiing things and resources that I don't even have? Argh!!! What did I do? I stayed honest... I kept sharing! I took action as promptly as I was able to do and was able to find resolve to the dilemma which immediately moved me from the problem to peace of mind and solution. Yayee!! I am thankful. I went to my meeting after a very busy day at work! I really didn't want to go, but I did it and was of service and completed my coffee commitment as well as just stay there and listen to someone share their story of strength hope and experience! Thereafter, I got a ride home with my housemates! Thereafter, I was able to take action and call my Mom and talk to her and cheer her up a bit more... I listened and allowed her to talk and vent her frutstrations and challenges of the past few days! I was able to move into solution with a lot of the problems that I was having for the day. I am super thankful for the fact that I was able to just sit with the feelings and stay in the moment and not pick up and use. I went ahead and shared with my former recovery housemate and good friend "M" whilst at the meeting and better yet he was able to share his frustrations with me... Yayeee.... I am loved, I am able to love...

I am thankful! I am clean and sober one more day... My sponsee called me tonight.. I missed both phone calls, but to hear him call and say hello and say this is "H", your sponsee... Wow! I am truly humbled! I am truly honored. I have much to learn from this man who is trying to stay clean and sober one day at a time just as I am doing one day at a time as well! Cool beans...

Have a good night all... Today, I hear the message even louder than ever... Get into action!!!

Peace Out,



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