Thursday, May 27, 2004


I have been really sick for the past few days... It hasn't gotten better since... I broke down into tears this morning to a co-worker... Frustration of having an on-going medical condition, namely HIV. Constant diarrhea, stomach pains, and losing massive amounts of liquids, electrolytes among other vital body fluids. I have no idea where my body is managing to find sooo much fluid to lose! It's like my stomach and intestine has gone on shut-down for the past few days! Nothing will stay put for any length of time. I struggle to keep up... I feel like a garden hose; whatever you put in me, goes right out the other end, but only as a liquid... I am on constant alert of having an accident before I make it to the bathroom! I am getting sudeen and constant peristaltic rushesI am sooo frustrated! I hate the fact that I am HIV today.

I just tried to have the rest of the 1/2 sandwich I bought for lunch earlier today... I had a banana and now will take my evening HIV meds. Yeah, that'll really help my stomach! Argh!!!

I pray for patience and strength to move past this phase. I ask for my body to move back to homeostasis. For now, I suffer...

Sigh... Quoc


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