Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Wahoo!!!! I did it!!! Yayee... Thank you G.O.D. Thank you all my sober and normie friends and loved ones. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you! It was only a year ago that I came into these rooms about 100 lbs, paranoid, hallucinating, no self esteem, dehydrated, suffering from malnutrition and just SPIRITUALLY DEAD!!! Here I stand before you 365 days later a different man!

I weigh 140 lbs, look healthy, feel healthy, have a regular sleep, work and eating cycle. I am trying my best with the aid of prayer to do the work in staying clean and sober. Doing it one day at a time!!! I went to my first recovery house that I was admitted to a year ago... It's funny how the speaker was the guy that gave me my first couch commitment when I was asked to leave the house just a couple weeks after being in that recovery house. It's also funny, how the seat that I sat in for the meeting was just about the same spot I sat in when I first came into recovery.

Anyway, how was my day? Wonderful! I got a steady flow of phone calls from people just wishing me happy birthday... How cool is that? I pray and ask for it and so I received just that; a whole lot of support and love. Yayee... Work was long but very productive. I am still picking up and reorganizing my work area and setting stuff up. I think people will be very happy when all is taken care of.

I came home from work and again went to sleep... Man, these side effects with the meds or maybe the stress of being at work is really killing me in the "going number 2" department. I have been having constant loose bowel movements... It's embarrassing and very very frustrating to have just sudden urges from a peristaltic rush! ACK! Sigh, I dunno, maybe I have some intestinal infection of some sort...

I found out I was vaccinated for the Hepatitis B (3 shots) about 10 years ago when I went home to visit Vietnam, so I should be ok... I just have to get answers about what happens to me if I get exposure to that when I have been vaccinated...

So, thankfully, I made it to the meeting on time, breathless and resplaced by another speaker, but that was meant to be. I really need to do some more step work before I feel I have some really raw stuff to transmit to the other people who needs to hear about the solution and how it works and what tools are necessary to stay clean and sober one day at a time... It will happen in due time. I am truly blessed for having a year!

Anyway, that is pretty much it! Thank you all for calling me and wishing me a happy birthday. I look forward to taking more cakes as the days progress; I must add to that by working the steps; mainly my 4th step!!!!




At 2:22 PM, May 20, 2004, Blogger 773 Podcast said...

Congrats! I am so proud of you! :D


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