Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I have 2 quotables I believe are my own creation... Please let me know if these are not unique!

One is I love to "microwave my recovery" and issues in my life! I would love to place any problem or challenge in my life on a plate, stick it in the microwave, punch in 2 minutes and DING, solved problem served on a plate!

The other quotable I feel really confident in claiming is talking about my Higher Power and the concept of recovery. I use a buffet table as a metaphor for how God grants me life and recovery.

I am currently walking through the threshold from the old Quoc, tired, obsessive, people pleasing, self-loathing, dishonest, resentful, and fearful self just to name a few into a whole new Quoc full of gusto for life, courage, self love, compassion, tolerant, merciful, patient, non-judgemental, accepting, serene, and more important than anything gratitude for the life I have been blessed with and staying in the moment.

I am just halfway through completing the steps of recovery and I am reaping sooo many amazing rewards! I am doing this recovery thing today not primarily because I am afraid of the ever going back to before I came into recovery... I am doing this recovery thing because I want to continue to experience this amazing feeling of loving the person I am living in right now.

In the mirror, I see a man deserving of love, forgiveness, a second chance of enjoying all the joys and pleasures of life that my Higher Power intended for me to receive. I am greatful for this gift. Just for today, I claim that gift and embrace it as my own.

Just for today, I am willing to share this gift with another person who is seeking to enjoy this path that I am on... Afterall, this was how I got onto this path, someone willing to give me what was so freely given to them.

In the past few months, with the help of my Higher Power, my sponsor, and the numerous number of loving, supportive, and empowering friends I have been able to stay sober: and walk through the death of one of the most important people in my life, my Mom; be a productive member of the workforce; sponsor someone in recovery; be a loving brother and son to my family; start dating and enjoying the experience; spend time with friends and enjoy that experience; see and appreciate the beauty in self that others see in me; and most importantly honor myself and saying yes to meeting my needs... my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and happiness.

I am sooo blessed!!!



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