Monday, March 07, 2005

Rejecting HIV and not myself

I sat in an HIV support group during my lunch hour today. This lady said some really empowering and inspirational messages that resonated well with me! She talked about her dating activities and how to interpret and respond to rejection. When I am rejected, I get to say that the person is rejecting my HIV and not me! Either way, I am being rejected, but I get to hold onto the fact that I am a desirable, adorable, loving, caring, exuberant, and fun-loving individual worth spending time with. Anyway, I can't wait to get my cpu home so I may write my journals at home, save them to a floppy and bring them to work so I may upload it onto the internet. I currently do not have a cpu nor do I have internet services at home. I don't have time at work to blog. I am that busy!!! It's a mixed blessing. I want to thank those of you who continue to offer me support and love and share your stories and your lives with me. I give thanks for you every morning and evening when I pray. The synergy from your love is being received on all frequencies!!! I open my arms wide and will receive it!!! I want help; I need help; I am asking for your help, love, support and encouragement!!!

My sister ran the L.A. marathon! God bless her soul, she completed yet another 26.2 miles!!! Go Chin go!!!! You rock on!!! I am doing ok... Life is very busy but constantly growing... I am really learning, feeling, growing and becoming more and more in-tune with myself with all that is going on in my life. I give thanks for the blessings in my life.

I promise that I will be blogging on a more consistent basis... Once I have the means and the time; thank you for your continued support...

Love and hugs,



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