Friday, November 19, 2004


Talk about having a bag full of mixed feelings... So, I have been working really hard at my current job and have been finding that incredibly rewarding! The organization I am working for is having a holiday party to be held within the next month. Apparently there is this big to do about voting for the employee of the year. Hmmm... I didn't hear about it until one of the people within the organization pulled me into the office to inform me that he voted for me to be an employee of the year. Yes, I am deeply honored and humbled! I am just doing my job. A job that I really love doing... It has not been an easy ride to where I am; but boy am I growing and learning really fast! Anyway, the closer this event is getting, the more people are talking about this whole voting for the employee of the year thing. I don't quite know how to receive when people tell me that they are voting for me for the employee of the year award. The first feeling is oh crap, what do I have to do for this person as a result of their being sooo kind as to vote for me. Do I buy them something? Do I take them out to dinner or lunch? Then what I am realizing is that they are voting for me just because they feel I am deserving of this accolade. I don't quite know how to receive this news. So, I am learning to graciously receive the vote and say thank you. I earned this! So that is the honored feelings that I am getting; boy this is incredible considering where I came from!!!

Peeved... Why am I peeved; the very same person that is having a difficult time accepting a compliment or receiving praise from others is also peeved by another person's complaints. I have a co-worker that I personally feel has a venomous and very vindictive quality about her. It is scary quite frankly. Truth be told, nothing is really concealed though. She is complaining about my coming in from lunch late. My head goes immediately to defense mode. I immediately justify that I take my lunches late due to work! I also am also returning to the office after 1 pm not because I am running over on lunch but I am actually already back on the job and attending to priorities across the street! So, what do I need to do? Own my part... I need to be better at informing others that take their lunch at 1 PM that I am running late and give them piece of mind. Anyway, I am feeling better as a result of typing this out. I was peeved at first at how petty she is and accusing me of not being responsible and slacking on my job and taking long lunches etc... The truth I get is that eventhough I am not slacking on my job, I do need to be responsible with informing others when I am running late and also being prompt at returning when it's time for other people and their lunch times. It's not always about me! Phew... So, now I have to go and compose an e-mail apologizing for not being prompt and just own my part... Don't worry about the part where she makes a big fuss and takes it personally and gets ugly... If she chooses to be miserable, that is her baggage. I do not have to jump on that bandwagon....

Ok... I am looking forward to a great weekend! It's been a very long and challenging week full of work; work that I have successfully met the challenge of at every point! I have put forth my best effort with every given moment!

Thankful to be clean and sober one more day first and foremost and now graciously receiving all the other blessings in my life.




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