Saturday, June 19, 2004


How feel I? Mixed feelings... One of guilt that I slept all day, I mean literally all day!!! I got up to go pee and eat and chat a little with a couple housemates, but otherwise, I slept!!! I did take care of some of the very basic daily duties like brush my teeth. I just showered; minutes ago. I am not sure if it's depression; plain ol' being lazy; or fatigue. Hmmm... I am tempted to go to the Hollywood Squares meeting tonight. What got my butt up? I got a phone call from "R", the one I have an attraction to! hehe... Just hearing his voice perked me up! He shared he was going to a meeting and was going to gay pride in LA tomorrow... All of a sudden I want to go march in the parade tomorrow!

So, I am gonna keep it short. I have some real burning goals that need to be attended to! I am thinking of going to a meeting tonight and coming home to attend to them. I really want to take care of these things that are burning on my list.

Another thing that is eating at me is that I have no income for this week! Nothing for food or anything! I have reallocated funds from all kinds of places to sustain myself! I really cannot wait until this Friday, when I get paid!!! I really need to learn to budget... I think I am doing an ok job with where I spend my money, so the other problem is I NEED MORE MONEY!!! C'est la vie...

Ok... I am jamming out... I need to make that decision directed by my sponsor to feel comfortable and ok with what I did: rested! Not feel guilt and shame for just relaxing and feel like I have been a lazy bum and a bad person and someone who is just self destructing... The only self destructing that is going on is right now feeling crappy about resting up for one day!

Ok... niters all!


At 10:33 AM, June 20, 2004, Blogger 773 Podcast said...

Enjoy pride!!!!

BTW, I added an email link so all of your posts will have an email me link at the bottom. :)


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