Sunday, May 02, 2004

Happy Sunday all!

I am thankful and happy to be clean and sober. I have more knowledge today than I had yesterday; yes knowledge and wisdom comes at a price; sometimes more severe and detrimental to one's own well being than others. May the consequences of my lessons from the past day not be permanent. I am definitely not healed and need to work on my 4th step. I will do so! I will!!! So, I will keep my blog today brief. I just wanted to check in... I am one more day clean and sober. I am starting my new job tomorrow! I have some money in my pocket and loving people around me that are very supportive of me and appreciate my support when I offer it. I also have the love and care of my Higher Power; things that tend to be more challenging don't stay around too long so long as I am willing to surrender and turn my life and my will over to the unconditional love and care of my Higher Power. Now it's time for me to move from making the decision and acting on those decisions.

I visited with my Mother today after a challenging evening with another sober friend! I had lunch with Mom and headed over to my friend's to pick up my fridge. Then I came home and visited with the nurse that cares for my father. She can talk the hind legs off a mule! It's all good and wonderful information, but to listen to her share for 1-2 hours consecutively is sensory overload! Anyway, home I am now and I will try to stay in the cool environment of home... :-) I have to catch up on some sleep anyway. Hope y'all have a great rest of the day. I am gonna write the details of last evening into my personal journal now...

Peace out...



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