Monday, April 26, 2004

Yeah, it's 4:30 in the morning.... I can't sleep and no it's not by choice... I am Sleepless in Los Angeles because my roomate snores too loud! Argh!!! I am powerless! I would totally cop a resentment, but I can't take it personally; he is not doing it on purpose. Eitherway, I have been woken up multiple times tonight... I finally had to get up and have an apple. So, I've had my apple. I may have to take my Sponsor's suggestion and buy ear plugs to sleep with... Not even the fan that I leave on will drown the sounds of his deafening snores! Hey, if this is the most challenging problem today in my life, than I got it made; eventhough I feel totally crappy! Anyway, it seems as though, my blog that I thought was lost to cyberworld has been partially posted. Hmmmm... I learn one day at a time; these man-made mechanisms do indeed have a mind of their own sometimes. Ok, I am gonna read some of the big book and see if I can create some racket to de-snore my wonderful roomate. Any suggestions folks? One of the housemates suggested I get a spraybottle of water and just spray it into the air above him... The moisture will hit his face and disrupt him enough to waken him a little... I will opt out of that because that means I will have to get up and spray him every so often, or get a nozzle that projects water at a 4-5 foot distance. Well, good night everyone again. Hope you all have a great day. I hope my day at work will be a productive one; I give thanks for having a job this week, even if it is temporary. RECOVERY FIRST... RECOVERY FIRST...*continues repeating mantra* Quoc


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