Saturday, May 01, 2004

What a Friday!!! What a Friday! WHAT A FRIDAY! Boy was it full! It actually all started from last evening on! I was called and offered the position with the prevention department about 6:45 PM! Wahoo!!! I went and typed up some of the format for the meeting I secretary at... I brought it over to the meeting place and visited with folks before returning back home ot my sober living at 9 PM for the "House Meeting." Topics discussed? Mainly problems with people not picking up after themselves or being respectful of each other especially in the restroom department. Oh! I worst thing I heard was someone taking the hand towel to wipe their asses with cuz there was no toilet paper around!!! EWEEE!!! Anyway... That was the evening pretty much. I wrote in my journal and pretty much turned in. I was really tired last night... I wrote in my journal last night... Oh yeah, I got to talk to my sister Chin and catch up with her a little bit... (details in my personal journal).

So, today?! Woke up to get ready for work; thankfully my last day with the marketing company... I am still a little fuzzy as to what the company's function is. Well, the supervisor had some work for me to do! Phew! I was working all day today! Entering data galore! I had very little time to do anything personal. I took my lunch break upgrading the cell phone plan and also getting a 3rd cell phone so that Chin has hers, Mom and Judy have one and I get one. I really treated myself on the cell phone. I got a V400 Motorola camera phone! I have a number that is fairly easy to remember too... which is cool. The sales rep really sold me on a lot of stuff and I never even flinched to ask for discounts and better rates. I really deserve this. The phone and food are things that I haven't been too strict about keeping... I feel the phone especially is important for me to keep in touch with people... And me being the guy, I like tinkering with toys.... The phone was my toy! A $200 toy after mail in rebate... Sheesh!

So, I finished work by 4:50 PM and left early to my supervisor's satisfaction... I said my final thank you's and farewells and parted way to find a place to dry clean my 3 pairs of slacks... It's been since my dance night at last years sober convention that I got the pants cleaned! That's almost a year ago and more than a dozen wears I guess! Yuck!!! I then strolled over for some chinese food... I wanted to go to Target and shop a little, then at Gap and shop a little... I ended up going to Target and telling my friend that I wasn't able to go to a meeting tonight. It all worked out because I had some free time to go to Target which I did and bought some essentials: mouthwash, toothpaste, a new electric razor head replacement, and deodarent.

I was too tired to go to Gap and anywhere else, so I took my friends suggestion to visit his place and us going to the meeting together. I did just that... Thankfully, I was able to go to the meeting and keep my commitment and hear a great speaker speak about being different and how we self medicate those feeling of feeling different and just the hardships of life. Afterward, about 9 PM or so, I returned with my friend and his guest to watch a movie. I really wanted to get home and journalize and just get into the safe confines of home, so by 11 PM I did part ways and made it to the Sunset/Vermont subway station.

Upon getting on the train, I caught sight of a very cute guy with a huge climbing back pack on the subway... Upon striking up an introductory conversation and querying him as to where he was headed, he shared that he was headed to Santa Monica... But, Santa Monica Beach or Boulevard? That is when people sprung into being of service. I managed to be a good sumaritan and be of service... I stayed with him until his friends came by and picked him up which was about 11:45 PM or sooo... I did not have the purest of motives, but all and all I had a good enough intention to be helpful and just wanna do what he does in a few years that I had someone to keep in touch with who is going through this experience and possibly serve as a host or a guide when I head out to Europe.

The ride back home alone was scary... The very things that I described to him about LA were the very things that I saw on my ride and walk back home... Me in conservative dress, a big ol' back pack out past midnight certainly made me stick out like a sore thumb among the homeless and derilect people... Suffice it to say, I was sooo very glad to make it past the gate of home... Just got some TV dinner grub and took my meds... I am ready to hit the sack.. I is past 1 AM already and I have yet another full yet fruitful day ahead of me...

I am excited and thankful to be clean and sober today... I am very blessed! It's been a very blessed week! I will remember to put my recovery work first and foremost and address that area which is currently lacking: working my step 4!!!! May my higher power help in guiding me and give me strength to be willing!

Have a great weekend folks!



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