Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So, I had the opportunity to look at instances when I am being selfish today... I started getting confused between the difference of what selfish is and what greed is. According to Mr. Merriam Webster, being selfish is concentrating on one's own advantages and pleasures without regard for the other person. Greed is wanting more than ones fair share, I may even want what you have as well!

So, a real example of being selfish is when I am thinking about what I can get out of a sexual encounter with another person without thinking about what would pleasure the other party or make him feel good. I get to replace this with being unselfish, and altruistic, to do something for solely for another person with no expectations of anything in return.

So, a real example of being greedy is when I am holding onto clothes that don't fit me because I am hopeful I will fit into them one day in the future as I continue exercising and not sharing and giving away all these excess items that are basically taking up space in my closet. I get to replace it with being generous and charitable and give away the clothes I don't need if I see another person NEEDS (not wants) it more than I do.

On this note, I must remember to recognize the assets I exhibit and act on...

Where was I unselfish and altruistic today? I was unselfish by taking time out to listen to those people who called me and wanted someone to listen to them. I called other people to check in and see how they are doing. I was unselfish when scheduling my staff into clinics by spreading the sites out evenly and where I deemed it was most appropriate. I did share with my staff when they were doing something inappropriate and didn't just think about how I would look by sharing something that would support the integrity of the program. This was a great triumph because I am such a people pleaser! Great progress!!! I am sooo proud of myself.

Where was I generous and charitable today? I gave credit to my staff and didn't take all the credit for the successes of the program. I actually don't really have an applicable example where I was or wasn't greedy... So, I guess the answer for this today is that it is not applicable.

Alas, there is really nothing to report... I am still not sleeping at a decent time (3AM last night). I woke up, made my bed, prayed, drove to work, put in an honest days work for an honest day's pay, was conscientious of my defects and assets, and called my support group as I accepted phone calls and offered support to those that needed it. I did not impose on my sponsees my all knowing wisdom, but shared my experience where appropriate and recognized the good work they did... I extended love and tolerance, the code of this program. I came home about 6:30P, ate, and slept til after 9P... I have been fumbling around for the past few hours... I haven't really made it out of the apartment to go work out because I am trying to stall... I guess I should get my butt there and commit to doing something physical!! I have been doing sooo well... Why mess it up aye?

OK, I will do it!!! I am gonna end up going to sleep late anyway because I took that nap.... Sorry folks, I am babbling... It's just another amazingly serene and mundane day free of drama, pain, misery, or great challenges.. It is nice to have days like these...

I am sure something more juicy will come up as time progresses... I am still working on buying a digital camera... This should spruce up the website and allow you folks to not only read but see how I am doing and where I am doing... It will give me an opportunity to get my asian fix on taking pictures! haha...

Have a great evening all!!!



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