Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Hey folks... I am working on purchasing a digital camera within the next month... I am not sure whether I want to save up my money to take a trip to Hawaii in a month and end up buying a much more modest digital camera or take a more economical trip in a month and really invest in a good digital camera... The fun part about getting the digital camera is that I will most definitely be posting more images of myself, my friends, my surroundings and just images... As we all know, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words or at times just eye popping, jaw dropping experiences! Wish me luck in doing this...

It's a challenge when one works for non-profit! The bonuses and perks come in the form of satisfaction from the opportunity to help another person change behavior in protecting themselves and others from exposure to HIV/STD and also promote overall healthy lifestyles.

Anyway, back on subject... What do I mean by survival skills no more? I am embarking on the next phase of my stepwork in recovery... The change steps... I have successfully shifted from surrender to discover and now I am in the place of identifying those things that I thought are survival skills, but really now are weapons of destruction and deconstruction in my life: aka CHARACTER DEFECTS! With the help of my Sponsor, I have identified 35 character defects to work on. Mind you that this list identifies defects of characters that I currently can identify with. As time progresses, the new defects will be identified and others will be set to the side as they may go into remission or if you will, I will be free of that defect and it actually will have been removed from my life.

So, I will be doing the following everyday: take one character defect and look for that defect of character throughout the day and when I identify it, replace it with the character asset. For the remainder of the 35 days, I will be checking in with myself and with you and provide you with an update on the progress and growth that I get to make in relieving myself of old tools for survival that no longer work in my life or are detrimental to my life and affects those around me when I act on those "defects of character."

I am already into day of identifying my defects of character...

So, I am doing good thusfar... Checking in good with not acting on being greedy and scorekeeping... Wish me luck with identifying moments when I am "SLOTHFUL" or lazy and replace it with being "INDUSTRIOUS."

Oh yeah, I will also be checking in on a daily basis for 42 consecutive days of exercise and logging in my weight. I am affirming to exercise for 42 days for at least 30 minutes each day... Just some form of exercise; any kind of movement that I deem as exercise!

So, let me practice with checking in as if it is Tuesday:

Defect identified: scorekeeping
Replace with: generosity; charitable; present
Weight: 148 lbs
Exercise: Day 1 at 24 hour fitness and downstairs (20 min)

Wanna do like Forrest Gump and jump on the 42 day challenge to exercise? Or find any activity that you placed on your New Year's resolution and let me know how successful you are... It is said that it takes 21 consecutive days to form a habit (if one repeats the habit daily for 21 days) and an additional 21 days to keep a habit = total of 42 days....

By the way, I would love to know who all is checking out my blog... Feel free to post a note on my blog or e-mail me... I am pretty good about responding to people who leave notes on the blog... Maybe I should tell all my friends to contact me that way! LOL

Wish me luck... I am thankful I get to do this one day at a time and needn't worry for any more than just for today... I work on seeing myself through God's eyes and also acting with the mantra of Thine will and mine be one.

Lots of love and gratitude for your continued support!!!


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