Sunday, December 18, 2005


Eating, drinking lots of water, sleeping and peeing... That is about as exciting as my past few days have been! Argh!!! My cold took a turn for the worst over the weekend... I ended with a pretty severe fever on Friday evening... I was shaking sooo badly from feeling sooo cold in my fever-stricken body... My tonsils swelled up really bad, my whole body was aching... Moments like these allow me to be grateful for not living alone... My roomate gave me some advil and sudafed which totally alleviated the symptoms overnight.... I've been on a very slow ascent ever since...

My voice is a few octaves lower from my cold; my nose is runny yet stuffed up, my head is aching from just being in bed all weekend long... Coughing sucks because my lungs hurt from just hacking. There is sooo much congestion built up from everything above my neck I don't know what to do with myself! My temperature still is unpredictable... Golly this is a very very nasty cold I got!!! Ack...

Interesting how problems tend to shrink or minimize when one has a more pressing problem set precedent over the other like being under the weather! I feel oh sooo restless.. I have been trying to read The Four Agreements... There is a lot that I agree with... I've read the chapters on being "impeccable with your word" and "not to take anything personally." Very interesting.. I hope to finish the first read through of this book by evening's end... I realize I must be missing a lot of stuff from being under the weather and medicated!

That's pretty much it folks... Sorry... I will let you know more about myself when my body feels more up to speed with my spirit!

Happy early holidays to you all,



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