Saturday, July 31, 2004


My left pinky knuckle is really sore and bruised! Wow... I guess I have it in me to be the extreme opposite of dainty little fairy queen! Anyway, just thought I'd check in... No real deep words of wisdom! Just another warm day in southern cali... I really want to be at the beach! I have laundry going right now. My room beckons; my 4th step beckons; my overall current state of being beckons to be relieved of bondage of debt, lack of home, minimal monetary compensation from work, and just another sober bud to hang out with... Move into action... Move into solution...

As I was trying to convey from the other day's unsuccessful blog, Mel Gibson shared that "Pain is a great precursor to change." Positive conditioning reinforces a behavior that is already being practiced. Pain and suffering brings forth motivation to do something to remove oneself from that situation!!! My former counselor and father in sobriety shared with me: I will change if I am really tired of the situation or if the response from an action that ilicits a negative reaction... And if I am really tired of a situation, then I will change I will do something about it!!!

It's a mellow day... I really wanna take a car out and cruise up and down the coast, stopping to sit on the beach and watch the sunset while running my toes through the cool/warm sand.

I have already gone to the Grove at 3rd and Fairfax only to find that my appointment for a massage is not until tomorrow! Argh!!! The situation blessed me with another opportunity to spend time with myself.... I bought fresh vegetables, had breakfast, and enjoyed a morning out of the house being languid! It was refreshing!!! I am good company!

So, I give thanks for the things I have and affirm to move into solution today. I give thanks for today's blessings and just being able to spend an extraordinarily "ordinary" day in my life. For an addict of my kind, ordinary is a rarity; my head wants chaos, mayhem, conflict and complexities! I currently am blessed with serenity, peace of mind, and simple activities to do... Something I am not accustomed to, but I am learning to appreciate it and allow it to permeate my daily living...


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